Skills & Jobs


This role provides the project with the ability to create better products, like making it more compact, faster, or more intuitive. They could also provide innovative thinking, as they have had previous experience working with electronics, and are more creative with ideas than other people. Being an engineer means that you have the creativity, and know-how to put create your ideas, and turn them into a reality, this thinking will be beneficial for the project, as they can come up with as many ideas as possible, and the ability to create logical ways to create the product. With the other team members, they will be able to get information about what features they should implement, how it should look, and how much in demand the product is, before coming up with a permanent plan.

Project Manager:

A project manager is most vital for a project to be successful, this will allow an individual to control the direction of the project, and the production rate that the group works in. They also help organise equipment, and if any of the group need specific outside resources that could help them complete the course. Overseeing the job, the project manager will also communicate with the investors to give them the appropriate return. Skills that the project management will need to have Is communication, leadership, financial experience. These skills are important for a project manager, as they are to communicate with each group member, and lead them into what they need to be doing, and when to be done by, maintain finance, for things such as equipment, or and employment.

Marketing Manager:

For a product to be successful, they have to have good marketing. Being a marketing manager, does not mean that you have to have a team of marketers, there are always the ability to outsource marketing material. However, having a position on the team for a marketing specialist is always beneficial on how well the product and project succeeds. If the marketing is successful, there will be high demands for the product, thus investment, and funding towards the project will increase, as they will want to make it as successful as possible, to gain more sales.

Business Analyst:

A business analyst is an important aspect for a project, the analyst will be able to determine market value, market demand, and areas of the product that can be improved to suit market needs. They can also analyse the projects progress, and estimate a time of arrival for the product. For a product to have a successful amount of sales, this requires a good business analyst, this will help provide a good business model, and identify problems within the project. A business analyst would be beneficial for the project, as they can identify the project’s direction, and help obscure funding’s for the project through more investors.


Github Organisation - Cornichon

Our project documents are being hosted on our github Organisation!

Office365 Dashboard

Office365 Planner

We are using Office365 Planner to keep track of task ownership and status'.


RMIT University

We are all enrolled at RMIT University, Studying a Bachelors Degree in information Technology