Thomas Pfundt

Student Number: s3724447

Hi, my name is Tom. I am Australian. I am a mature aged student studying a Bachelor of IT at RMIT University. After I completed year 12, I undertook an Electrical Apprenticeship and worked in various roles in smelting and mine processing operations for the past 12 years. These roles include electrician, Maintenance & Operations Supervisor and Process Control Technician/Engineer.
An interesting fact about myself is that I love travelling. I spent 3 months backpacking around Europe in 2014, multiple trips to New Zealand, South East Asia and North America. I went to Fiji for a short break over Easter and am planning on heading back to New Zealand in a few months’ time.

Tom Photo
Michael Jurie

Student Number: s3785631

I was born in Melbourne, Australia and have not lived anywhere else but have travelled frequently with family. I was enrolled in Melbourne Grammar School from the day i started schooling and graduated year 12 in 2018. My interest in IT started at a young age with the family computer, i would always be playing games, then once i got my own personal laptop i got more interested in the technical side and was introduced to a robotics subject that was available at school. After a year of robotics our school, a inter-school competition was held, and after that my interest in IT related concepts has only grown, moving from robotics to programming and game hacking.

Braden Smith

Student Number: s3787174

I have come from a small town of Echuca, located on the Murry River, where I attended all of my education, from kindergarten to high school. I am able to ride a Uni-cycle, I have a cat called Pretzel, I used to play Football, and tend to game quite a bit.

Victoria Elliot

Student Number: s3710716

I am currently studying a Bachelor of Information Technology. I have a rabbit named Albert. My interest in IT began at the start of high school in year 7 IT class, where I created my first website using very minimal HTML.

Franklin Edyson

Student Number: s3784440

My family background is Indonesian-Chinese and I was brought up in Melbourne. I am a recent Year 12 graduate at Suzanne Cory High School. I am bilingual in English and Indonesian, and I am also proficient in Mandarin. As well as for my passion for IT, I am also an Aviation Enthusiast! I love to travel on aircraft around the world, visiting new destinations and expanding my network of connections with other professionals from different industries.

Quy Dat Le

Student Number: s3794387

I'm a first year RMIT student studying the Bachelor of Information technology. I'm from Vietnam and this is my third year living in Melbourne. I really like the environment and living experience here as well as it's people. I speak several languages including English, Vietnamese,... and that's pretty much it. Just enjoy you thinking I'm a genius for a second there :).


Github Organisation - Cornichon

Our project documents are being hosted on our github Organisation!

Office365 Dashboard

Office365 Planner

We are using Office365 Planner to keep track of task ownership and status'.


RMIT University

We are all enrolled at RMIT University, Studying a Bachelors Degree in information Technology